Spreading machine
The FR150 Profile Layer is a machine designed for high performance, with innovative technological contents based on the concrete experience gained in over 50 years of construction of folding machines. The perfect control of the arrangement of the card webs and the high working speed allow this machine to meet the needs of producing more and with greater quality, than the market of non-woven fabric today manifests.
Process flow
Entirely in steel with basements sized and structured for the highest speeds and for dimensions up to 15 meters of finished product. Machine certified to CE standards
Veil transport system
to achieve high speeds, the machine is equipped with a system of conveyor belts arranged in a sandwich which hold and guide the veil during the entire deposition phase on the exit belt. This system protects the veil from any unwanted tension and above all cancels the effects due to the uncontrolled movement of air masses during movement, especially at high speeds and with very light veils.
Scheduled configuration of the flaps – “profile” system
The (patented) Profile system allows continuous and programmed adjustment of the veil on the unloading belt. Every compensation zone is individually controlled by a sophisticated programmer who controls the progress of the wagons, operating in real time. The configuration of the strata is repeatable and temporary corrections are possible. Graphic visualization through diagrams reproducible on video of easy reading.
Lines on which it can be used