Why choose us

Know How

In 70 years of activity, Cormatex has developed a great technological know-how: over the years, it has developed ever new solutions to meet significantly diversified issues and requirements, being addressed by a constantly developing international textile industry.


This baggage of know-how and experience is what Cormatex proudly makes available to its own Customers anytime a new order is collected and a customised project is designed.
Besides the ability to create cutting-edge technologies – thanks to the longstanding experience on international markets – Cormatex today is a reliable and winning partner able to face new production projects in every corner of the world.


Cormatex has its own plants in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, China, Mongolia, Taiwan, Korea, Brazil, Argentina, Romania, Bulgaria, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey, Russia, Hungary and Egypt.


Moving from the assumption that product specialization and diversification are the best competitive levers for any company who is willing to face international markets in the globalisation era, Cormatex deems that the development of tailor-made solutions is the most important target towards which its strategic consultancy and technological innovation should be addressed.


Thanks to its relatively small, but extremely flexible, organisation structure, Cormatex succeeds in implementing this principle and in gaining an important competitive advantage over competitors worldwide: this is the secret of Cormatex’ success over the years.


Cormatex’ flexibility manifests in a complete availability to collaborate with the Customer with a customised approach to each job order, without applying standard solutions but by making available its whole know-how, consisting of solutions created in hundreds of diversified projects.


Brought up on bread and … engineering: the owners and managers of Cormatex have spent their days on the company premises ever since children, by interiorizing its values, dynamics and applied theories and by developing a genuine passion for this job.


This love for the company traditions, combined with a strong dynamic personality, result in a constant commitment in research and development, which takes shape every day thanks to a continuous know-how exchange with the most qualified international Customers and thanks to targeted partnerships with the leading worldwide Universities and Research Centres.


The result of this corporate strategy is highlighted by the exceptional technological level being reached by the present Cormatex production range, which is capable to meet with the requirements of a modern and constantly developing textile industry the best possible way, both in terms of production capacity and finished-product quality achievement.


The “Customer Service” component plays for Cormatex a role which is just as important as the quality of the machines and technological solutions it offers, as being it the determining factor for the choice of the supplier and the customer final satisfaction.


Job order does not simply mean having to manufacture a product, but supply the Customer with Cormatex’ «know how». It means placing Cormatex qualifications and experience in every stage of the process at Customer disposal, by starting from the analysis of preliminary requirements and objectives up to the research of optimal solutions, from machinery design and manufacturing to their installation, commissioning and maintenance, from advanced staff training to consultancy and technological development of the finished product, without neglecting the support for economical and financial planning.


Excellence, in terms of Quality and Customer Service, is the strongest factor of the Made in Italy tradition which characterizes Cormatex’ work and allows the company succeding to share the worldwide textile machinery market for almost 70 years.


Cormatex’ activity is carried out thanks to the close cooperation among different departments which daily make available their specialisations, ranging from Marketing & Sales to Financial Management, from Research & Development to Production, from Electronics & Software to Post- Sale Management: each operator works in perfect synergy with the others.


The technical and operating structure comprises two Technical Operations dedicated to the development of specific technology for the two manufacturing sectors the company covers:

  • the production of woolen yarns
  • the manufacture of non-woven products


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